Email options

E-mail hosting options

I strongly recommend you use a business e-mail address linked to your domain name as it looks much more professional than Gmail, Yahoo, etc.

There are various ways you can receive and manage your business e-mail. Below are my suggestions and an explanation of the differences and costs.

Don’t hesitate to call me on 07940 309703 for further explanation and I’ll help you decide which is the best option for you.


Summary (scroll down for detailed information)… 

Google G-Suite£3.30 per month per e-mail address plus one-off £50 for set-up (optional)
This is my recommended option and is a business grade, professional e-mail solution (and more).

Google hybridone-off £25 for set-up (optional)
This uses a free Google personal account to store/sync e-mail and my server to send/receive e-mails.

POP e-mailincluded free with my website hosting
Manage with multiple devices but no syncing across devices. Short-term storage on server – 30 days only. Unlimited addresses.

IMAP e-mail£90 annually
5GB of space on my server with syncing across multiple devices. Unlimited addresses.

Forwardingincluded free with my website hosting
E-mails sent to your new address(es) are automatically forwarded to your existing/personal address. No sending from new address(es).


Detailed information… 

Google G-Suite
This is my recommended option and is a business grade, professional e-mail solution (and more). Full details here.

30GB of space means e-mails are safely stored on Google’s server long-term. Very easy to use/manage on any device and syncs across multiple devices. Includes cloud file storage too. Incredibly reliable with phone support from Google themselves (and advice from me when needed).

Fee payable to Google each month – gets expensive if you need loads of addresses. Quite complicated to set-up.

£3.30 per e-mail address, per month – paid direct to Google. I offer a service where I do all the initial set-up/configuration for a one-off charge of £50. You can do it yourself though, with help from Google.


Google hybrid
This uses a free Google personal account to store/sync e-mail and my server to send/receive e-mails.

As above but limited support from Google. Saves money compared to Google G-Suite if you need loads of addresses.

Google only automatically ‘fetches’ e-mails from my server every 15 – 20 minutes (you can perform an immediate manual fetch though). Works well if you only use Gmail web interface or phones/tablets but not great if you want to use desktop/laptop e-mail clients like Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail (e.g. always have to select the ‘send from’ address).

No monthly fee. Send/receive facility included with my website hosting. I offer a service where I do all the initial set-up/configuration for a one-off charge of £25. You can do it yourself though, with advice from me.


POP e-mail
Manage with multiple devices but no syncing across devices. Unlimited addresses. Short-term storage on server – 30 days only (but see below).

Set up on multiple devices. Unlimited addresses. Includes webmail access.

Short-term storage only (30 days) but all e-mails are downloaded onto your computer and stored there indefinitely. No syncing across devices i.e. e-mails deleted from one device remain on other devices and sent e-mails only stored on device used.

Included free with website hosting.


IMAP e-mail
5GB of space on my server with full syncing across multiple devices. Cheaper than G-Suite if loads of addresses are needed but usage for each address is relatively low or can be managed.

Set up on multiple devices. Full syncing across devices. Unlimited addresses. Includes webmail access.

Not as much space as G-Suite/Google Hybrid options so heavy users might run out of space at some point.

£90 annually (includes personal support from me).


E-mails sent to your new address(es) are automatically forwarded to your existing/personal address.

Keep receiving/managing your e-mails in the same way. Nothing new to learn or set-up.

You can’t send e-mail from your business address(es) so looks unprofessional.

Included free with website hosting.